Sabbath school classes are the heartbeat of our church community. Each week we spend time learning from Scripture and from each other. Find the right class for you from the options listed below.

There are two adult Sabbath school classes that focus on the current Sabbath School Quarterly. Both classes are held in the main sanctuary in divided sections.

Classes available for the children are as follows: CradleRoll/Kindergarden, Primary, Junior/Earliteen, and Youth. Children's classes for ages birth to age nine meet for class downstairs in our fellowship hall area. Classes for youth ages 10 through 18 meet for classes next door to the Church in the "Church House" facility.

Our Sabbath School fellowship begins at 9:30 a.m. It is preceeded by inspirational Sabbath Morning Song Service which starts at 9:15 a.m. Children's classes begin immediately after the Sabbath School short program which can consist of singing, inspirational thoughts, mission stories, and special features. After the opening program, adults divide into their seperate classes and the children proceed to their respective classes. Our Sabbath school concludes at 10:45 a.m.

Once each quarter (13th Sabbath) the Adult Sabbath School Program focuses on the children and youth. It is inspirational to see the presentations from our younger members!

To obtain an electronic copy of the Sabbath School Quarterly with each of the weekly lessons click HERE